Aðalfundur/Annual Meeting 2016

Annar aðalfundur félags Filmuljósmyndara á Íslandi
2nd annual meeting of Iceland Film Photography Association


1. Kosning fundarstjóra og fundarritara
2. Skýrsla stjórnar lögð fram
3. Reikningar lagðir fram til samþykktar
4. Lagabreytingar
5. Ákvörðun félagsgjalds
6. Kosning stjórnar
7. Önnur mál

Allir velkomnir, aðeins félagsmenn sem hafa greitt félagsgjöld hafa atkvæðisrétt.

The follow topics will be discussed

1. Election of meeting chairman and secretary
2. Summary presented by the board
3. Summary of finances presented for approval
4. Changes to declaration
5. Determine membership dues
6. Election of board
7. Other matters

Everyone is welcome to attend, but only paid members are allowed to vote.

About the Author: admin