Viðburðir / events

  • Sat
    16:00Stofan kaffihús, Vesturgata 3, Reykjavík

    The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

    1. Election of meeting chairman and secretary
    2. Summary presented by the board
    3. Summary of finances presented for approval
    4. Changes to declaration
    5. Determine membership dues
    6. Election of board
    7. Other matters

    Please bring your great ideas for the "Other Matters" part of the meeting!

  • Sat
    13:00 - 17:00Gallerí Fold

    Félag filmuljósmyndara á Íslandi heldur sína árlegu sýningu í Gallerí Fold. Í ár munu 7 meðlimir félagsins taka þátt, auk 11 listljósmyndara frá Evrópu og Norður-Ameriku sem var boðið að vera með í sýningunni. Allir gestirnir hafa verið á gestavinnustofu SÍM á árabilinu 2015-2018 og hafa þeir jafnframt notað myrkraherbergi Félags filmuljósmyndara á sama tímabili. Útkoma þessa samstarfs hefur leitt af sér fjölbreytta og hugmyndaríka hugsun í filmuljósmyndun.

    The Iceland Film Photography Association opens its annual members exhibition at Gallery Fold. This year, 11 guest artist photographers from Europe and North America will join 7 association members in the show. The invited artists were all residents of the SÍM artist residency who shared the IFPA community darkroom during the period of 2015-2018. The result of this collaboration promises to open the imagination about the possibilities of analog photography.