Sat15Nov2014Sun30Nov201414:00 - 18:00 Grafíksafnið
Við kynnum nýstofnað Félag filmuljósmyndara á Íslandi með fyrstu samsýningu okkar sem opnar í Grafíksafninu, galleríi félagsins Íslensk Grafík Tryggvagötu 17, Þann 15. nóvember næstkomandi. Félag filmuljósmyndara var stofnað til að styðja ljósmyndara sem vinna með filmu, bæði í atvinnuskyni og af áhuga.
Opnunartímar Þriðjudag til Sunnudags 14:00 - 18:00
Thu05Feb201520:00Brooklyn Bar, 3rd floor.
Fyrsti aðalfundur félags Filmuljósmyndara á Íslandi
1st annual meeting of Iceland Film Photography AssociationDagskrá
Kosning í stjórn
Farið yfir starf síðasta árs
Farið yfir fjármál félagsins
Staða myrkrahebergis
Önnur málThe follow topics will be discussed
Election of board members
Review of activities/accomplishments
Review of finances
Darkroom progress
Future activities
Other mattersEveryone is welcome to attend, but only paid members are allowed to vote.
Sat22Aug201515:00 - 20:00Custom Photo Lab, Fiskislóð 79
AgX – Sýning Félags filmuljósmyndara á Íslandi
Félag filmuljósmyndara á Íslandi heldur sýningu á myndum unnum með hefðbundnum myrkraherbergisaðferðum með silfri á Menningarnótt í gallerí Custom Photo Lab.AgX - application for menningarnótt
The Iceland Film Photography Association will hold an exhibit of silver prints on Culture Night (Menningarnótt) at Custom Photo Lab gallery. -
Thu28Jan201618:00 - 20:00Dillon, Laugarvegur 30, 101 Reykjavík
Annar aðalfundur félags Filmuljósmyndara á Íslandi
2nd annual meeting of Iceland Film Photography AssociationDagskrá
1. Kosning fundarstjóra og fundarritara
2. Skýrsla stjórnar lögð fram
3. Reikningar lagðir fram til samþykktar
4. Lagabreytingar
5. Ákvörðun félagsgjalds
6. Kosning stjórnar
7. Önnur málAllir velkomnir, aðeins félagsmenn sem hafa greitt félagsgjöld hafa atkvæðisrétt.
The follow topics will be discussed
1. Election of meeting chairman and secretary
2. Summary presented by the board
3. Summary of finances presented for approval
4. Changes to declaration
5. Determine membership dues
6. Election of board
7. Other mattersEveryone is welcome to attend, but only paid members are allowed to vote.
Sat22Oct2016Sun06Nov201614:00 - 17:00Grafíksafnið
Árleg sýning Félags filmuljósmyndara á Íslandi.
Félag filmuljósmyndara á Íslandi heldur sína árlegu samsýningu dagana 22. október til 6. nóvember í Grafíksalnum, Galleríi Íslenskrar Grafíkur, Tryggvagötu 17 (gengið er inn hafnarmegin).
Sýningin opnar laugardaginn 22. október kl. 14:00 og verður opin fimmtudaga til sunnudaga kl. 14:00-17:00 til 6. nóvember.
The Iceland Film Photography Association's Annual Exhibition
Iceland Film Photographer Association will hold its annual members' exhibition October 22nd until November 6th at Grafíksalurinn, the gallery of the Icelandic Printmakers Association, Tryggvagata 17, entrance on the harbor side.
The opening is on October 22nd at 2pm, and the gallery's open hours are Thurs-Sun 2-5pm.
Mon23Jan201717:00Hringbraut 119
The date for the annual meeting is set on Jan 23rd at 7pm at Hringbraut 119
The agenda will cover the following points:
1. Election of meeting chairman and secretary
2. Summary presented by the board
3. Summary of finances presented for approval
4. Changes to declaration
5. Determine membership dues
6. Election of board
7. Other mattersHope to see you all there!
Sat27Jan201816:00Stofan kaffihús, Vesturgata 3, Reykjavík
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
1. Election of meeting chairman and secretary
2. Summary presented by the board
3. Summary of finances presented for approval
4. Changes to declaration
5. Determine membership dues
6. Election of board
7. Other mattersPlease bring your great ideas for the "Other Matters" part of the meeting!
Sat18Aug201813:00 - 17:00Gallerí Fold
Félag filmuljósmyndara á Íslandi heldur sína árlegu sýningu í Gallerí Fold. Í ár munu 7 meðlimir félagsins taka þátt, auk 11 listljósmyndara frá Evrópu og Norður-Ameriku sem var boðið að vera með í sýningunni. Allir gestirnir hafa verið á gestavinnustofu SÍM á árabilinu 2015-2018 og hafa þeir jafnframt notað myrkraherbergi Félags filmuljósmyndara á sama tímabili. Útkoma þessa samstarfs hefur leitt af sér fjölbreytta og hugmyndaríka hugsun í filmuljósmyndun.
The Iceland Film Photography Association opens its annual members exhibition at Gallery Fold. This year, 11 guest artist photographers from Europe and North America will join 7 association members in the show. The invited artists were all residents of the SÍM artist residency who shared the IFPA community darkroom during the period of 2015-2018. The result of this collaboration promises to open the imagination about the possibilities of analog photography.
Thu31Jan201919:00Stofan kaffihús, Vesturgata 3, Reykjavík
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
1. Election of meeting chairman and secretary
2. Summary presented by the board
3. Summary of finances presented for approval
4. Changes to declaration
5. Determine membership dues
6. Election of board
7. Other mattersPlease bring your great ideas for the "Other Matters" part of the meeting!